Inge Morath © The Inge Morath Foundation Marilyn Monroe on the set of The Misfits. Reno, Nevada. 1960
“In an interview with director Gail Levin for her documentary, Making ‘The Misfits’ (2002), Morath recalled the difficulty of photogra (...)
phing actors such as Monroe, who ‘knew all the tricks about how to pose.’ The photographer’s task was to capture how they worked, the element of surprise that they delivered to a scene, without getting in the way. What she wanted, Morath told Levin, was to photograph ‘the unposed person,’ so she watched and waited for the actor to expose his or her vulnerability.”
– John P. Jacob, Inge Morath: On Style, Abrams, 2016 © Inge Morath © The Inge Morath Foundation | Magnum Photos