Tim Hetherington Portraits of pupils at the Milton Margai School for the Blind. Tim maintained close contact with the students of Milton Margai from the moment he first met them in 1999 until his death in 2011. To (...)
this day they refer to him as ‘Uncle Tim.’ Freetown, Sierra Lione. 2001.
“To be orphaned and left to survive in a war zone is terrible enough, without the added trauma of sudden blindness administered with extreme violence. I found it hard to understand how these people would ever find sanctuary and be able to rebuild their lives.
“I have found that because they are blind the children do not readily comprehend the limitations that others may attach to their situation, be they black, white, rich or poor. As a result the children do not strike me as being handicapped by their lack of sight but instead seem well equipped to rise above the stereotypical views we have of Africa and blindness.”
– Tim Hetherington, June 2004, London © Tim Hetherington | Magnum Photos