Bieke Depoorter EGYPT. Cairo. 2012.
(Translation of the written text below)
- You cannot photograph a child in the bathroom because that is wrong and it's forbidden by religion.
- This picture is not nice, bec (...)
ause the bathroom is private and only for the person inside. ln my opinion you shouldn't put it in the book.
- ln Islam you cannot show nudity.
1. The nudity of a man starts from the
belly button until the knee.
2. The nudity of a woman: whole body,
except for the face and the hands.
- Yes indeed, you're right.
- If this boy was photographed in 2017, he would not agree to be photographed like this. Because the way people are raised and the way they think has changed. The current circumstances and the people are different from before.
- Nudity of men should not be shown even if it is between men themselves. Because showing nudity is forbidden in Islam.
- This picture is not fit for publication.
- The picture is normal, but it's not fit for publication.
- A water boiler or a bucket of water?
- The image is personal freedom (my opinion). Problem.
- What are these pictures? What are they supposed to mean?
- Any person in the bathroom is in their persona! freedom zone. lt's not right that another person is in there too.
- Papa says: the picture is normal, There's no problem with it.
- Outside Egypt is not the same as inside Egypt. The picture cannot be published in Egypt.
- This is not right in Islam. Like a dirty film.
- This is shameful because he's naked. I am Abdelrahman AI-Lateef. l'm writing my mother's words because mama can't write. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos