A. Abbas IRAN: TEHRAN Dec 12th 1977.
Iran celebrates victory of its army upon separatists of Azerbaidjan, the northern province which was occupied by Russian troops during World War II. The Shah in uniform (...)
at a military parade, behind him General later executed by the Revolution.
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The caption must be respected. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
Abbas After a demonstration at the Amjadiyeh Stadium in support of te Constitution and of Shapour Bakhtiar, who was appointed Prime Minister by the Shah before the left the country, a woman, believed to (...)
be a supporter of the Shah is mobbed by a revolutionary crowd. Tehran, Iran. January 25, 1979. © Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. February 15th, 1979. The bodies of four generals, executed after a secret trial held at Ayatollah KHOMEINY's headquarters, at the Refa girls' school. Their bodies lie at the morgue. T (...)
op left General KHOSROWDAD, top right General RAHIMI, bottom left General NAJI, bottom right General NASSIRI (ex chief of the SAVAK secret police).op left General KHOSROWDAD, top right General RAHIMI, bottom left General NAJI, bottom right General NASSIRI (ex chief of the SAVAK secret police). © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Khorramabad. On the day preceding Ashura, women in nigab, the black chador, their face covered and often bare footed, light candles in 40 stations. They re-enact the caravan which mourned the (...)
martyrdom of Imam Hussein, son of Ali, founder of the Shia sect. 2005. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas IRAN. Tehran. On week ends young people enjoy nature on the slopes of Mount Elborz, free from both the pollution of the city traffic fumes and the strict moral codes of the Islamic Republic. Like m (...)
any Iranian men and women, the young lady on the right has had plastic surgery performed on her nose.. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas Hajj pilgrimage. Pilgrims from all over the world pray on Mount Rahma. Mount Rahma, in the plain of Arafat (where Muslims believe Adam met Eve). Pilgrims dressed in the Ihram (two pieces of unstitc (...)
hed white cloth), gather to show their respect for all forms of life. Driplets of water cool off pilgrims and trees from the dense heat. Mecca. Saudi Arabia. 1992. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas BANGLADESH. Mymesingh. Taking a shower in the courtyard of his modest home, 20 year old Shahin had both his legs amputated after a series of bomb explosions, claimed by jihadists, targeted three ci (...)
nemas on December 12, 2002. They considered the entertainment as illicit within Islam. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas USA. ALABAMA. Montgomery. Nov. 12 2003. Fundamentalist Christians display the Ten Commandments at the rally in favour of State Supreme Chief Justice Roy MOORE about to be dismissed for refusing to (...)
remove a 15 ton Ten Commandments sculpture from the entrance hall to the Supreme Court. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
Abbas Pilgrims from all over the country as well as the diaspora come to this sacred waterfall to take a luck bath. With medicinal herbs and perfumes, they ask their Voodoo loas (personal or family spiri (...)
ts) to fortify them. They discard their old underclothes. Seau d'Eau, Haiti. 2000. © Abbas | Magnum Photos